The University of Southampton

Space charge measurement in polymer insulated power cables

Space Charge Measurement
Pirelli Cables Ltd

Space charge is the term given to electrical charges that become trapped within the bulk of a dielectric and can occur as a result of, electron beam irradiation, or an electric potential applied across the insulation. Space charge trapped in high voltage insulation systems (e.g. polymeric power cables) can significantly alter the internal electric stress profile, eventually leading to its premature failure at stresses well below anticipated or design values. This project is concerned with the space charge distribution measurement in polymer insulated power cables using Pulsed Electro-Acoustic (PEA) method. Regarding to the coaxial geometry of power cable and its thick polymer insulation, which will create significant influence to the final result by diverging, attenuating and dispersing acoustic waves generate from space charge layers, a correction algorithm has been developed to cancel the aforementioned effects on the measurement of space charge profile. The main effort of the project is being focused on the investigation of space charge behaviour of XLPE cable with different modified insulating material and the treatment (degassing at elevated temperature) after insulation extrusion.

Primary investigators

Secondary investigator

  • mf98r

Associated research groups

  • Electrical Power Engineering
  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering
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